Ron Swan-song

First, I would like to state that Ron Swanson is my hero. And also one of the best TV characters ever, he is the character of a lifetime.

So here was today’s back and forth email banter with my dear friend T-dog, who lives far away in St. Louis. And as a dear friend, he understands my dry, sarcastic wit.

So, I’m working on a project at work, and in the (144 pages of) instructions it says “each project shall be prepared in writing. Telephonic, fax, and telegraphic offers will not be accepted”.
I’m really sad that I can’t go back to 1870 and use the telegraph to submit this project.

Submit your project on Twitter. It’s not specifically disallowed.

I’m not sure I could really convey our company’s merits, process, and pricing in 140 characters…..
Maybe I could live tweet the project… filibuster that sh*t, keep tweeting until it was done.

Anything you can’t sum up in 140 characters is too damn complicated.